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MS Excel expert is looking for a fully remote part-time job

Klaipėda | 2023 09 10 | Pažymėti skelbimą
40,00 € MS Excel expert is looking for a fully remote part-time job-0
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MS Excel expert with many years of experience in the banking sector and a master's degree in business and economics. Everyday analyst, but in the evenings and on Saturdays I am ready to help You with MS Excel file issues, data processing and analysis, as well as process automation with built-in Excel functions or VBA programming (macro).
I offer:
1) creation / testing / improvement of complex calculations and formulas,
2) generation of other files with the help of Excel VBA programming,
3) regular report automation in MS Excel environment
4) MS Excel file formatting,
5) Other work You do in MS Excel.
You can automate any process that You repeat repeatedly following the same instructions, and where creative thinking is not required (if this number is negative, then we do this or that… If there is no data, we write this or that, etc.)
An automated process will save You precious time and allow You to work more productively or less. During Your free time, You will be able to do more meaningful tasks or relax to regain Your strength for future work.
I can also automate in the Python programming language, if such a solution would be more suitable for Your situation. For example, if You need web scraping
I also help with creating, editing, or improving Microsoft Power BI Reports. Microsoft Power BI is a great data visualization tool that fits in perfectly with the standard Microsoft Office 360 business suite and lets You discover trends and correlations from the data Your business already has.
Feel free to write in the e-mail which task needs help (the more accurate the description, the faster the result, ideally if You attach sample files) and I will answer You within 24 hours about the possibilities I see in Your situation.
I am looking for a part-time job for work from home (remotely) with an hourly rate starting from 40 EUR/h, depending on the complexity of the task.

Kaina: 40,00 €
Peržiūrėta: 131 kartų
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Kaina: 40,00 €
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